The Bible does not align neatly with contemporary American…
Many Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah because
The determination of correct interpretation in a biblical…
Assessing the correctness of biblical interpretation involves…
This question explores the apparent paradox of divine…
The Gospel of John differs significantly from the…
Matthew, Mark, and Luke, known as the Synoptic…
The Gospel of Mark is generally considered the earliest…
The Gospel of Matthew is traditionally attributed to the…
God did not create evil; rather, evil is understood as…
God's sovereignty and human free will coexist as…
God, through the person of Jesus Christ, experienced…
Christianity, with its deep historical roots and complex…
Conspiratorial thinking in Christianity is prevalent due to…
Paul's writings suggest that he believed Jesus’ return…
Whether one should be a Christian depends on…
Reading the Bible within a tradition or community provides…
A Christian may use AI to assist in interpreting the Bible, recognizing…
Some suffering appears purposeless from a human perspective…
The existence of non-resistant non-believers raises…
Jesus’ departure, as described in the New Testament, was to…
Having serious doubts about Christianity is not…
Jesus might find aspects of both modern Judaism and Christianity…
Christianity can be compatible with Occam's Razor, depending on how…
Yes, it is possible to entertain the idea that Christianity exists within a…
Christianity and Judaism differ significantly in their understanding of…
Christianity and Hinduism differ fundamentally in their views on God…
Christianity and Islam differ in their views of God, Jesus, salvation…
Christianity provides a coherent framework for understanding reality…
To believe in Christianity, one must presuppose that God exists, that…
Christianity can be confusing due to its diverse interpretations…
If no one taught you anything and you simply read the Bible, your…
Christians who believe in mass witness miracle claims such as Jesus'…
A respectful, transparent dialogue with the pastor—preferably face-to…
Determining the most logically coherent Christian denomination…
AI cannot resolve doctrinal disagreements within Christianity because…
The “minimal facts” argument for the resurrection of Jesus uses…
The Kalam Cosmological Argument is a philosophical argument for the…
Bart Ehrman argues that the New Testament text is unreliable due to…
Dan Wallace argues for the reliability of the New Testament by…
Certain nuances and idiomatic expressions from the Bible’s original…
Translation decisions can alter the meaning of a biblical text by…
No single English Bible can claim to be the “most accurate” because…
The absence of original manuscripts does not necessarily nullify the…
One of the most debated textual variants in the New Testament is…
The New Testament manuscript traditions likely stem from multiple…
We currently have no complete biblical manuscripts dating to within…
Although we lack the original biblical manuscripts, the substantial…
The Hebrew Bible contains passages interpreted by some as…
Paul's reference to "according to the scriptures" in 1 Corinthians 15 is…
The Holy Spirit can work through any medium, including AI language…
Pastors may use AI to assist in writing sermons, but should ensure…
Churches should use AI to enhance community engagement, optimize…
Transparency about a pastor's past, including serious sexual…
The appropriateness of a pastor driving a $150,000 car depends on…
The question of whether pastors should earn double the income…
Pastors making a high salary raises ethical and practical questions…
Christian apologists should be fully transparent about the evidence…
The Isaiah Scroll found among the Dead Sea Scrolls is not a "word for…
The relationship between faith and miracles is complex, with differing…
Mary, referred to as the Mother of God (Theotokos), holds a…
God's relationship with punishment is complex and varies according…
The concept of guardian angels is widely believed in Christianity…
Christianity offers differing views on an intermediary state between…
According to biblical prophecy, the world will experience a final judgment by…
The sign of the cross is an ancient Christian gesture that has evolved…
Presbyterianism is distinguished by its governance structure involving…
Lutheranism is unique primarily for its doctrinal emphasis on…
Anglicanism stands out for its distinctive blend of liturgical worship…
Eastern Orthodoxy is unique for its liturgical richness, emphasis on…
Catholicism is unique in its hierarchical structure led by the Pope, its…
The question of which Christian denomination has the "best" claim to…
Jesus, in his humanity, likely grew in knowledge and understanding…
The discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life would profoundly…
The existence of intelligent aliens does not directly impact the…
While Jesus, who is both fully human and fully divine, died on the…
The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD did not vote on the nature of Jesus'…
The Trinity avoids both tritheism and modalism by maintaining that…
God, existing outside time, can interact with events in time through…
The coexistence of God's omniscience and omnipotence with the…
Paul is widely believed to have written seven of the New Testament…
According to Christianity, God is the eternal, all-powerful, and…
Christianity includes a rich mystical dimension through personal…
To say "God is Love" means that love is central to God's very essence…
According to Christianity, the ultimate meaning and purpose of life is…
Sin is the rebellion against God's will, a failure to meet His perfect…
The suffering of innocent children challenges faith profoundly, but…
The concept of eternal damnation is viewed by many Christians as just…
Jesus would likely find both inspiration and disappointment in the…
Theological disagreements are resolved through councils…
The determination of what constitutes the Bible has historically been…
No original copies of any books of the Bible exist, but thousands of…
Different Bibles exist due to variations in translation, textual traditions…
Science does not directly address the existence of God but provides…
God’s choice not to reveal Himself more clearly may serve to preserve…
While the Bible contains apparent contradictions, many Christians and…
Adam and Eve, though created without a sin nature, were susceptible…
Faith is valued by many as a meaningful tool for discerning truth…
The concept of hell, as understood in many Christian traditions…
The Bible contains instructions regarding slavery that reflect its…
The question of why a loving God allows suffering is a central…
Christianity seeks to fill gaps in understanding about purpose…
The Bible contains accounts that claim to document eyewitness or…
Christianity provides a unique and compelling worldview centered on…
The New Perspective on Paul reframes his writings by emphasizing…
James and Paul address justification from different angles, with Paul…
For those who hear about Jesus but struggle to believe, Christianity…
Trusting the Apostle Paul hinges on his transformation, theological…
The Old Testament conquest narratives, while portraying God's…
The Bible teaches that marriage is a lifelong commitment, permits…
The Bible does not explicitly teach the doctrine of the Trinity as…
The Bible traditionally teaches that sexual relations should be…
It is not considered a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol in moderation…
Christian baptism is a sacramental act that signifies a believer's…
The Bible does not mention dinosaurs, as the texts predate modern…
Christian beliefs about what happens after death vary, but generally…
The Bible does not specifically address whether animals go to heaven…
The Christian view on suicide historically regards it as a grave sin, but…
Cain’s wife, according to the Bible, was likely one of his sisters, a…
Masturbation is not explicitly labeled as a sin in the Bible, and…
Whether a Christian can lose salvation is a subject of theological…
The Bible mentions tattoos only in the context of Old Testament law…
Traditional interpretations of the Bible generally view homosexual acts …
The Bible contains passages that some interpret as restricting women…